
Create a connected guest experience with Microsoft technology

With #Teamworksolutions from #Microsoft, your employees can easily communicate and share ideas with outside teams. Tools like file sharing and video conferencing allow you to connect with guest users in real time. And with new email capabilities in Office 365, you can exchange encrypted emails with anyone, on any device. And here’s the best part–your company data is secure and preserved when shared with external users, so your sensitive information is safe.

Check out this infographic and contact our team at MSnet to learn more.

Employees who work with outside companies save time and money. With Teamwork solutions from Microsoft, they can easily share workspace, which results in $759,493 saved over three years. That’s huge!

Now, you can deliver a cost-effective solution that will allow you to easily work with teams outside of your company. And, you can secure and preserve company data when sharing information with external users. Check out this infographic–which shows industry trends, pain points, and proof points–to learn more.

View: Create a connected guest experience with Microsoft technology