Server Protection

Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery

MSnets Server Protection service provides Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery (BCDR) to business hosting their own physical or virtual servers; scaling from single server installations, up to fully fledged Data Centre deployments. 

BCDR prevents data loss and minimises downtime by providing image based backups that can be booted with the click of a button.

See the true cost of Business downtime!

  • Easily protect physical, virtual and cloud infrastructure
  • Supports Windows, Mac & Linux servers
  • Spin up lost servers in seconds without the need for additional tools
  • Backup automatically on your schedule to a local device, and replicate backups to the Cloud
  • Backups are tested & verified, to ensure they are available to restore when needed

Reliable, Verified Backups

With automated data and boot verification, you know when a backup has failed or when ransomware has been detected.

Final Defence in Ransomware Protection

All backups are scanned for ransomware and mounted to ensure they are available to restore.
If you fall victim to ransomware, you can simply ‘turn back the clock’ to a snapshot taken before the attack happened.



Secure Global Cloud

GDPR complient, secure, highly available, geo-replicated cloud infrastructure enables fast offsite disaster recovery at no additional charge.

Fast Restore Options For Any Scenario

Whether it’s a few lost files, a system crash, or a site-wide disaster, MSnets Server Protection service has restore tools to get clients up and running fast.